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\'Forest of Life\' to be planted in Inner Mongolia Desert N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2009.01.21 08:50
  • Views : 12935
[November 20, 2008]

 Yeungnam University establishes \'Forest of Life\' at the Kubuqi Desert on Inner Mongolia in China, which is a main cause of yellow dust.

 Yeungnam University (president Tong-ki Woo) finalized an agreement with Future Forest (president Kwon Byeong-hyeon) on the 19th and will participate in the forestation project of the Kubuqi Desert in order to present desertification of China.

 Kubuqi Desert is the largest source of yellow dust which is the cause of 39% of the yellow dust that comes to Korea every spring. Yellow dust inflicts economical and environmental damages amounting to 7 trillion won a year and a fundamental solution is needed because of its growing severity.

 For this, Yeungnam University is planning to send volunteers to Inner Mongolia to plant trees at the \'Forest of Life\' starting from next summer. In addition to this, future human resource fostering projects such as environmental problem education and Korean-Chinese student exchange programs will also be pursued simultaneously with Future Forest.

 Tong-ki Woo (56), president of Yeungnam University, stated, \"The environment issue is not a problem that we can pin the guilt on just one nation. The world needs to work together. Furthermore, we must take actions right away for the sake of our descendents.\" He also added, \"It is very meaningful that college students are taking the initiative as volunteers for the future of the earth.\"